
Tumor of the lymphoid tissue. Diagnosis is by biopsy. Treatment may be chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or medication, depending on the age of the patient and type of tumor.
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Any neoplasm of lymphoid tissue; in general use, synonymous with malignant l.. [lympho- + G. -oma, tumor]
- adult T-cell l. (ATL) an acute or subacute disease associated with a human T-cell virus, with lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, skin lesions, peripheral blood involvement, and hypercalcemia. SYN: adult T-cell leukemia.
- anaplastic large cell l. a form of l. characterized by anaplasia of cells, sinusoidal growth, and immunoreactivity with CD30 (Ki-1 or Ber-H2). SYN: Ki-1+ l..
- benign l. of the rectum obsolete term for a rectal polyp composed of lymphoid tissue with follicle formation, covered by mucosa.
- Burkitt l. a form of malignant l. reported in African children, frequently involving the jaw and abdominal lymph node s. Geographic distribution of Burkitt l. suggests that it is found in areas with endemic malaria. It is primarily a B-cell neoplasm and is believed to be caused by Epstein-Barr virus, a member of the family Herpesviridae, which can be isolated from tumor cells in culture; occasional cases of l. with similar features have been reported in the United States.
- chronic lymphocytic l. a type of low-grade non-Hodgkin l. characterized by lymphocytosis, lymphadenoathy, and, in late stages, hepatosplenomegaly; may evolve into chronic lymphocytic leukemia over the course of several years.
- extranodal marginal zone l. SYN: MALToma.
- follicular l. SYN: nodular l..
- follicular predominantly large cell l. a B-cell l. of intermediate malignancy.
- follicular predominantly small cleaved cell l. SYN: poorly differentiated lymphocytic l..
- histiocytic l. a malignant tumor of reticular tissue composed predominantly of neoplastic histiocytes. SEE ALSO: large cell l..
- Hodgkin l. SYN: Hodgkin disease.
- immunoblastic l. a monomorphous proliferation of immunoblasts involving the lymph node s; it may develop in some patients with angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy.
- Ki-1+ l. SYN: anaplastic large cell l..
- large cell l. l. composed of large mononuclear cells of undetermined type. Many lymphomas formerly classified as histiocytic have in recent years been shown to consist of large lymphocytes.
- Lennert l. malignant l. with a high proportion of diffusely scattered epithelioid cells, tonsillar involvement, and an unpredictable course.
- lymphoblastic l. a diffuse l. in children, with supradiaphragmatic distribution and T lymphocytes having convoluted nuclei; many patients develop acute lymphoblastic leukemia. SYN: lymphoblastoma.
- malignant l. general term for ordinarily malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and reticuloendothelial tissues which present as apparently circumscribed solid tumors composed of cells that appear primitive or resemble lymphocytes, plasma cells, or histiocytes. Lymphomas appear most frequently in lymph node s, spleen, or other normal sites of lymphoreticular cells; when disseminated, Lymphomas, especially of the lymphocytic type, may invade the peripheral blood and manifest as leukemia. Lymphomas are classified by cell type, degrees of differentiation, and nodular or diffuse pattern; Hodgkin disease and Burkitt l. are special forms.
- mantle cell l. a clinically and biologically distinct B-cell neoplasm with a recurring acquired genetic abnormality, the t(11; 14) translocation, and a heterogeneous histologic appearance that may lead to confusion with reactive or other neoplastic lymphoproliferative disorders.
- marginal zone l. a heterogeneous group of neoplasms originating from the B-cell–rich zones of the lymph node s, spleen, or extranodal lymphoid tissue. Those tumors originating from mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), most often in the stomach, intestines, salivary glands, and lungs, are called MALTomas.
- Mediterranean l. SYN: immunoproliferative small intestinal disease.
- nodular l. malignant l. arising from lymphoid follicular B cells which may be small or large, growing in a nodular pattern. SYN: follicular l., giant follicular lymphoblastoma.
- nodular histiocytic l. SYN: poorly differentiated lymphocytic l..
- non-Hodgkin l. (NHL) a l. other than Hodgkin disease, classified by Rappaport into a nodular or diffuse tumor pattern and by cell type; a working or international formulation separates such lymphomas into low, intermediate, and high grade malignancy and into cytologic subtypes reflecting follicular center cell or other origin.
- peripheral T-cell l., unspecified a heterogeneous group of T-cell neoplasms expressing typical T-cell markers such as CD2, CD3, CD5, and either T-cell α/β or γ/δ receptors.
- poorly differentiated lymphocytic l. a B-cell l. with nodular or diffuse lymph node or bone marrow involvement by large lymphoid cells. SYN: follicular predominantly small cleaved cell l., nodular histiocytic l..
- small lymphocytic l. SYN: well-differentiated lymphocytic l..
- T-cell–rich, B-cell l. a B-cell l. in which more than 90% of the cells are of T-cell origin, masking the large cells that form the neoplastic B-cell component. SEE ALSO: adult T-cell l..
- well-differentiated lymphocytic l. essentially the same disease as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, except that lymphocytes are not increased in the peripheral blood; lymph node s are enlarged and other lymphoid tissue or bone marrow is infiltrated by small lymphocytes. SYN: small lymphocytic l..

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lym·pho·ma lim-'fō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a usu. malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue
lym·pho·ma·tous -mət-əs adj

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a malignant tumour of the lymph nodes, including Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. There is a broad spectrum of malignancy, with prognosis ranging from a few months to many years. The patient usually shows evidence of multiple enlarged lymph nodes and may have constitutional symptoms such as weight loss, fever, and sweating (the so-called 'B symptoms'). Disease may be widespread, but in some cases is confined to a single area, which may be extranodal (such as the tonsil). Treatment is with drugs such as chlorambucil or combinations of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisolone, sometimes with the addition of doxorubicin and/or bleomycin; response to these drugs is often dramatic. Localized disease may be treated with radiotherapy followed by drugs. Patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who do not respond to chemotherapy may be considered for a bone-marrow transplant.

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lym·pho·ma (lim-foґmə) [lymph- + -oma] 1. any neoplastic disorder of the lymphoid tissue. 2. malignant l.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Lymphoma — Lym*pho ma, n. [NL. See {Lymph}, and { oma}.] (Med.) A tumor having a structure resembling that of a lymphatic gland; called also {lymphadenoma}. [1913 Webster] {Malignant lymphoma}, a fatal disease characterized by the formation in various parts …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lymphoma — pl. lymphomata, 1867, from LYMPH (Cf. lymph) + OMA (Cf. oma) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • lymphoma — [lim fō′mə] n. [ LYMPH + OMA] any of a group of diseases characterized by progressive enlargement of lymphoid tissue resulting from the proliferation of malignant lymphoid cells …   English World dictionary

  • Lymphoma — This article is about lymphoma in humans. For the disease in dogs, cats, and ferrets, see lymphoma in animals. Lymphoma Classification and external resources Follicular lymphoma replacing a lymph node …   Wikipedia

  • lymphoma — lymphomatoid, adj. /lim foh meuh/, n., pl. lymphomas, lymphomata / meuh teuh/. Pathol. a tumor arising from any of the cellular elements of lymph nodes. [1870 75; < NL; see LYMPH , OMA] * * * Any of a group of malignant diseases (see cancer) that …   Universalium

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  • lymphoma — n. cancer of the lymph nodes, including Hodgkin s disease and non Hodgkin s lymphomas. There is a broad spectrum of malignancy, with prognosis ranging from a few months to many years. The patient usually shows evidence of multiple enlarged lymph… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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