- Lymphatic system
- : The tissues and organs, including the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes, that produce and store cells that fight infection and disease. The channels that carry lymph are also part of this system.
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lymphatic system n the part of the circulatory system that is concerned esp. with scavenging fluids and proteins that have escaped from cells and tissues and returning them to the blood, with the phagocytic removal of cellular debris and foreign material, and with immune responses, that overlaps and parallels the system of blood vessels in function and shares some constituents with it, and that consists esp. of the thymus, spleen, tonsils, lymph, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, lymphocytes, and bone marrow where stem cells differentiate into precursors of B cells and T cells called also lymphoid system, lymph system* * *
a network of vessels that conveys electrolytes, water, proteins, etc. - in the form of lymph - from the tissue fluids to the bloodstream. It consists of fine blind-ended lymphatic capillaries, which unite to form lymphatic vessels. At various points along the lymphatic vessels are lymph node. Lymph drains into the capillaries and passes into the lymphatic vessels, which have valves to prevent backflow of lymph. The lymphatics lead to two large channels - the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct - which return the lymph to the bloodstream via the innominate veins.* * *
lymphoid system the lymphatic vessels and lymphoid tissue considered collectively. Called also systema lymphoideum [TA].
Medical dictionary. 2011.