- type
- 1. The usual form, or a composite form, that all others of the class resemble more or less closely; a model, denoting especially a disease or a symptom complex giving the stamp or characteristic to a class. SEE ALSO: constitution, habitus, personality. 2. In chemistry, a substance in which the arrangement of the atoms in a molecule may be taken as representative of other substances in that class. 3. A specific variation of a structure. SYN: typus, variation (2). [G. typos, a mark, a model]- ampullary t. of renal pelvis [TA] saclike form of renal pelvis in which the calyces open onto a common dilated pelvis. SYN: typus ampullaris pelvis renalis [TA].- basic personality t. 1. an individual's unique, covert, or underlying personality propensities, whether or not they are behaviorally manifest or overt; 2. personality characteristics of an individual which are also shared by a majority of the members of a social group.- branching t. of renal pelvis [TA] form of renal pelvis in which no common, expanded, saclike pelvis occurs; rather the major calyces merely merge to form the ureter. SYN: typus dendriticus pelvis renalis [TA].- buffalo t. term used to describe the distribution of a fat deposit seen posteriorly over the upper thoracic spine; seen in hyperadrenocorticalism (Cushing syndrome). SYN: buffalo hump.- nomenclatural t. the constituent element of a taxon to which the name of the taxon is permanently attached; the t. of a species is preferably a strain (in special cases it may be a description, a preserved specimen or preparation, or an illustration); the t. of a genus is a species; and the t. of an order, family, or tribe is the genus on whose name the name of the higher taxon is based.- wild t. a gene, phenotype, or genotype that is overwhelmingly common among those possible at a locus of interest that it represents the standard characteristic, and therefore presumably not harmful.
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1) a lower taxonomic category selected as a standard of reference for a higher category also a specimen or series of specimens on which a taxonomic species or subspecies is actually based2) the morphological, physiological, or ecological characters by which relationship between organisms may be recognized3) a particular kind, class, or group <cell \types> specif a group distinguishable on physiological or serological bases <salmonella \types>* * *
(tīp) [Gr. typos type] something with particular characteristics, such as a person, substance, or case of a disease.
Medical dictionary. 2011.