- trunk
- 1. The body (t. or torso), excluding the head and extremities. 2. A primary nerve, vessel, or collection of tissue before its division. 3. A large collecting lymphatic vessel. SYN: truncus [TA]. [L. truncus]- accessory nerve t. [TA] part of the accessory nerve formed within the cranial cavity by the union of the cranial and spinal roots, which then divides within the jugular foramen into internal and external branches, the former uniting with the vagus, the latter exiting the foramen as an independent branch which is commonly considered to be the accessory nerve. SYN: truncus nervi accessorii [TA].- trunks of brachial plexus [TA] the superior, middle, and inferior trunks; they divide distally to form the cords (fasciculi) of the plexus. SYN: trunci plexus brachialis [TA].- brachiocephalic (arterial) t. [TA] origin, arch of aorta; branches, right subclavian and right common carotid; occasionally it gives off the thyroidea ima. SYN: truncus brachiocephalicus [TA].- bronchomediastinal (lymphatic) t. [TA] a lymphatic vessel arising from the union of the efferent lymphatics from the tracheo-bronchial and mediastinal nodes on either side. On the left side, it may be largely replaced by direct drainage into the thoracic duct. SYN: truncus (lymphaticus) bronchiomediastinalis [TA].- celiac (arterial) t. [TA] origin, abdominal aorta just below diaphragm; branches, left gastric, common hepatic, splenic. SYN: truncus celiacus [TA], arteria celiaca, celiac artery, celiac axis, Haller tripod.- t. of corpus callosum [TA] the main arched portion of the corpus callosum. SYN: truncus corporis callosi [TA], body of corpus callosum.- costocervical (arterial) t. [TA] a short artery that arises from the subclavian artery on each side and divides into deep cervical and superior intercostal branches, the latter dividing usually to form the first and second posterior intercostal arteries. SYN: truncus costocervicalis [TA], costocervical artery.- inferior t. of brachial plexus [TA] the nerve bundle formed by the union of the ventral rami of the eighth cervical and first thoracic nerves; it provides fibers to the posterior and medial cords (fasciculi) of the brachial plexus. SYN: truncus inferior plexus brachialis [TA].- intestinal (lymphatic) trunks [TA] the vessels conveying lymph from the lower part of the liver, the stomach, spleen, pancreas, and small intestine; they discharge into the cisterna chyli and are sometimes duplicated. SYN: trunci (lymphatici) intestinales [TA].- jugular lymphatic t. [TA] lymphatic vessel on each side, conveying the lymph from the head and neck; that on the right side empties into the right lymphatic duct, that on the left into the thoracic duct. SYN: truncus (lymphaticus) jugularis [TA], jugular duct.- linguofacial (arterial) t. [TA] the common t. by which the lingual and facial arteries frequently arise from the external carotid artery. SYN: truncus linguofacialis [TA].- lumbar (lymphatic) trunks [TA] two lymphatic ducts conveying lymph from the lower limbs, pelvic viscera and walls, large intestine, kidneys, and suprarenal glands; they discharge into the cisterna chyli. SYN: trunci (lymphatici) lumbales [TA].- lumbosacral (nerve) t. [TA] a large nerve, formed by the union of the fifth lumbar and first sacral nerves, with a branch from the fourth lumbar nerve, which enters into the formation of the sacral plexus. SYN: truncus lumbosacralis [TA].- middle t. of brachial plexus [TA] the continuation of the ventral ramus of the seventh cervical nerve; it contributes fibers to the posterior and lateral cords (fasciculi) of the brachial plexus. SYN: truncus medius plexus brachialis [TA].- nerve t. a collection of funiculi or bundles of nerve fibers enclosed in a connective tissue sheath, the epineurium.- pulmonary t. [TA] origin, right ventricle of heart; distribution, it divides into the right pulmonary artery and the left pulmonary artery, which enter the corresponding lungs and branch along with the segmental bronchi. SYN: truncus pulmonalis [TA], arteria pulmonalis, pulmonary artery, venous artery.- subclavian lymphatic t. [TA] it is formed by the union of the vessels draining the lymph node s of either upper limb, emptying into the thoracic duct at the root of the neck on the left or into the right lymphatic duct. SYN: truncus subclavius [TA], subclavian duct.- superior t. of brachial plexus [TA] the nerve bundle formed by the union of the ventral rami of the fifth and sixth cervical nerves and some fibers from the fourth; it contributes fibers to the posterior and lateral cords (fasciculi) of the brachial plexus. SYN: truncus superior plexus brachialis [TA].- sympathetic t. [TA] one of the two long ganglionated nerve strands alongside the vertebral column that extend from the base of the skull to the coccyx; they are connected to each spinal nerve by gray rami and receive fibers from the spinal cord through white rami connecting with the thoracic and upper lumbar spinal nerves. SYN: truncus sympathicus [TA], gangliated cord, ganglionic chain.- thyrocervical (arterial) t. [TA] a short arterial t. arising from the subclavian artery, giving rise to the suprascapular (which may instead arise directly from the subclavian artery) and terminating by dividing into the ascending cervical and inferior thyroid arteries. SYN: truncus thyrocervicalis [TA], thyroid axis.- vagal (nerve) t. one of the two nerve bundles, anterior and posterior, into which the esophageal plexus continues as it passes through the diaphragm. SYN: truncus vagalis.
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2) the main body of an anatomical part (as a nerve or blood vessel) that divides into branches* * *
n.1. the main part of a blood vessel, lymph vessel, or nerve, from which branches arise.2. the body excluding the head and limbs.* * *
(trungk) [L. truncus the stem or trunk of a tree] truncus.
Medical dictionary. 2011.