- trochlea
- 1. A structure serving as a pulley. 2. A smooth articular surface of bone upon which another glides. [L. pulley, fr. G. trochileia, a pulley, fr. trecho, to run]- fibular t. of calcaneus [TA] a projection from the lateral side of the calcaneus between the tendons of the peroneus longus and brevis. SYN: t. fibularis calcanei [TA], peroneal t. of calcaneus, t. peronealis, peroneal pulley, processus trochlearis, spina peronealis, trochlear process.- t. of humerus [TA] the grooved surface at the lower end of the humerus articulating with the trochlear notch of the ulna. SYN: t. humeri [TA], pulley of humerus.- muscular t. [TA] a fibrous loop through which the tendon of a muscle passes; the intermediate tendon of the digastric and omohyoid muscles pass through such a t.. SYN: t. muscularis [TA], muscular pulley.- trochleae of phalanges of hand and foot palmar or plantar aspect of the intercondylar groove of the heads of the phalanges that accommodate the long flexor tendons. SYN: t. phalangis (manus et pedis).- t. of superior oblique (muscle) a fibrous loop in the orbit, near the nasal process of the frontal bone, through which passes the tendon of the superior oblique muscle of the eye. SYN: t. musculi obliqui superioris bulbi.- t. of the talus [TA] the rounded superior articular surface of the talus that articulates with the distal ends of the tibia and fibula. SYN: t. tali [TA], pulley of talus.
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a) the articular surface on the medial condyle of the humerus that articulates with the ulnab) the fibrous ring in the inner upper part of the orbit through which the tendon of the superior oblique muscle of the eye passes* * *
n.an anatomical part having the structure or function of a pulley; for example the groove at the lower end of the humerus or the fibrocartilaginous ring in the frontal bone (where it forms part of the orbit), through which the tendon of the superior oblique eye muscle passes.• trochlear adj.* * *
troch·lea (trokґle-ə) pl. trochґleae [L., from Gr. trochilia pulley] a pulley-shaped part or structure.
Medical dictionary. 2011.