
A genus of parasitic protozoan flagellates (subfamily Trichomonidinae, family Trichomonadidae) causing trichomoniasis in humans, other primates, and birds. Specificity is more marked for its precise microhabitat than for host species. The genus has been divided into several genera : T., Pentatrichomonas, Tetratrichomonas, and Tritrichomonas. [tricho- + G. monas, single (unit)]
- T. buccalis SYN: T. tenax.
- T. foetus former name for Tritrichomonas foetus.
- T. gallinarum former name for Tetratrichomonas gallinarium.
- T. hominis former name for Pentatrichomonas hominis.
- T. ovis former name for Tetratrichomonas ovis.
- T. suis former name for Tritrichomonas suis.
- T. tenax a species that lives as a commensal in the mouth of humans and other primates, especially in the tartar around the teeth or in the defects of carious teeth; there is no evidence of direct pathogenesis, but it is frequently associated with pyogenic organisms in pus pockets or at the base of teeth. SYN: T. buccalis.
- T. vaginalis a species frequently found in the vagina and urethra of women (in whom it causes trichomoniasis vaginitis) and in the urethra and prostate gland of men (the only known natural hosts); considerable differences in pathogenicity exist among various strains of this species.

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trich·o·mo·nas .trik-ə-'-nəs n
1) cap a genus (the type of the family Trichomonadidae) of polymastigote parasitic flagellated protozoans that have four anterior flagella and another at the margin of an undulating membrane or in some classifications also include forms with three or five anterior flagella and that are parasites of the alimentary or genitourinary tracts of numerous vertebrate and invertebrate hosts including one (T. vaginalis) causing human vaginitis
2) a protozoan of the genus Trichomonas

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a genus of parasitic flagellate protozoans that move by means of a wavy membrane, bearing a single flagellum, projecting from the body surface. T. vaginalis often infects the vagina, where it may cause severe irritation and a foul-smelling discharge (see vaginitis), and sometimes also the male urethra; it can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. T. hominis and T. tenax live in the large intestine and mouth respectively. See also trichomoniasis.

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Tricho·mo·nas (triko-moґnəs) [tricho- + Gr. monas unit, from monas single] a genus of parasitic flagellated protozoa of the order Trichomonadida, phylum Parabasalia, found in the intestinal and genitourinary tracts of various invertebrates and vertebrates, and characterized by the presence of a pelta, an axostyle, an undulating membrane, and three to five anterior flagella. In newer systems of classification, those with three flagella have been assigned to genus Tritrichomonas, and those with five to genus Pentatrichomonas.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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