- trichomonad
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tricho·mo·nad (trik″o-moґnad) (trik″o-monґad) [tricho- + monad] any protozoan of the order Trichomonadida.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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tricho·mo·nad (trik″o-moґnad) (trik″o-monґad) [tricho- + monad] any protozoan of the order Trichomonadida.Medical dictionary. 2011.
trichomonad — [trik΄ə mō′nad, trik΄əmän′ad] n. [< ModL Trichomonas (gen. Trichomonadis): see TRICHO & MONAD] any of a genus (Trichomonas) of parasitic or commensal zooflagellates … English World dictionary
trichomonad — noun Etymology: New Latin Trichomonad , Trichomonas, from trich + Late Latin monad , monas monad Date: 1861 any of a genus (Trichomonas) of flagellated protozoans parasitic in many animals • trichomonad or trichomonal adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
trichomonad — trichomonadal /trik euh mon euh dl, moh neuh /, trichomonal /trik euh mon l, mohn l, tri kom euh nl/, adj. /trik euh mon ad, moh nad/, n. any flagellate protozoan of the genus Trichomonas, parasitic in humans or animals. [1860 65; < NL… … Universalium
trichomonad — trich•o•mon•ad [[t]ˌtrɪk əˈmɒn æd, ˈmoʊ næd[/t]] n. mcr any flagellate protozoan of the genus Trichomonas, parasitic in humans or animals • Etymology: 1860–65; < NL Trichomonad , s. of Trichomonas. See tricho , monad trich o•mon′a•dal,… … From formal English to slang
Trichomonad — Taxobox color = khaki name = Trichomonads domain = Eukaryota unranked phylum = Excavata phylum = Metamonada classis = Parabasalia ordo = Trichomonadida ordo authority = Brugerolle Lee 2000 subdivision ranks = families subdivision = Calonymphidae… … Wikipedia
trichomonad — noun Any of many flagellate protozoans, of the genus Trichomonas, most of which are parasitic … Wiktionary
trichomonad — trich·o·mon·ad || ‚trɪkəʊ mÉ‘næd / mÉ’næd n. flagellate protozoan parasite which causes the sexually transmitted disease trichomoniasis … English contemporary dictionary
trichomonad — [ˌtrɪkə(ʊ) mɒnad] noun Zoology & Medicine a parasitic protozoan of an order (Trichomonadida) with four to six flagella, infesting the urogenital or digestive system. Derivatives trichomonal adjective Origin C19: from mod. L. Trichomonadida, from… … English new terms dictionary
trichomonad — trich·o·mon·ad … English syllables
trichomonad — /trɪkoʊˈmɒnæd/ (say trikoh monad) noun any flagellate protozoan of the genus Trichomonas, parasitic in humans and animals …