- Acronym for the left lower lobe (of the lung). The left lung has but two lobes. The other lobe is the left upper lobe (LUL). The right lung has three lobes: the right lower lobe (RLL), the right middle lobe (RML), and the right upper lobe (RUL). The reason why the right lung has three lobes whereas the left lung has only two is not known but a convenient (albeit teleological) way to think about it is that the lack of a lobe on the left leaves room for the heart on that side. LLL also stands for the La Leche League and the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. The La Leche League has the sole purpose of helping breastfeeding mothers. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory focuses on health and biomedicine, science and math education, the environment, energy, and national security.
* * *Abbreviation for left lower lobe (of lung).* * *late luminal loss; left lower [eye]lid; left liver lobe; left lower leg; left lower lobe
* * *
left lower lobe; see lobus inferior pulmonis sinistri.
Medical dictionary. 2011.