
Infection with nematodes of the genus Toxocara; parenterally migrating larvae, chiefly of Toxocara canis, may cause visceral larva migrans; ocular involvement results in either a solitary granuloma in the retina, peripheral inflammatory masses, or chronic endophthalmitis.

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tox·o·ca·ri·a·sis .täk---'-ə-səs n, pl -a·ses -ə-.sēz infection with or disease caused by nematode worms of the genus Toxocara

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an infestation with the larvae of the dog and cat roundworms, Toxocara canis and T. cati. Humans, who are not the normal hosts, become infected on swallowing eggs of Toxocara present on hands or in food and drink contaminated with the faeces of infected domestic pets. The larvae, which migrate around the body, cause destruction of various tissues; the liver becomes enlarged and the lungs inflamed (see pneumonitis). Symptoms may include fever, joint and muscle pains, vomiting, an irritating rash, and convulsions. Larvae can also lodge in the retina of the eye where they cause inflammation and granuloma. The disease, widely distributed throughout the world, primarily affects children. Severe cases are treated with tiabendazole.

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tox·o·car·i·a·sis (tokso-kə-riґə-sis) infection by roundworms of the genus Toxocara, such as in ocular or visceral larva migrans.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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