
An instrument for temporarily arresting the flow of blood to or from a distal part by pressure applied with an encircling device. [Fr. fr. tourner, to turn]
- Esmarch t. a rubber t. that is wrapped around an extremity from distal to proximal before starting a surgical procedure to exsanguinate the limb before the inflation of a proximally placed pneumatic t.. SYN: Esmarch bandage.
- Rummel t. a t. fashioned by passing an umbilical tape around a vessel and bringing both ends through a short red rubber catheter. The t. can be tightened and secured with a perpendicularly placed hemostat at the end of the catheter farthest from the vessel.

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tour·ni·quet 'tu̇r-ni-kət, 'tər- n a device (as a bandage twisted tight with a stick) to check bleeding or blood flow

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a device to press upon an artery and prevent flow of blood through it, usually a cord, rubber tube, or tight bandage bound around a limb. Tourniquets are no longer recommended as a first-aid measure to stop bleeding from a wound because of the danger of reducing the supply of oxygen to other tissues (direct pressure on the wound itself is considered less harmful). However, a temporary tourniquet to increase the distension of veins when a sample of blood is being taken does no harm.

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tour·ni·quet (toorґnĭ-kət) [Fr.] an instrument for compression of a blood vessel by application around an extremity to control the circulation and prevent the flow of blood to or from the distal area.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • tourniquet — [ turnikɛ ] n. m. • 1669; t. de fortif. 1575; de tourner 1 ♦ Appareil formé d une croix tournant autour d un pivot, placé à l entrée d un chemin ou d un édifice afin de livrer passage aux personnes chacune à son tour. Passer dans un tourniquet.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • tourniquet — Tourniquet. s. m. Machine composée de deux pieces de bois ou de fer croisées, qui tourne sur un pivot, qu on met devant des portes ou des barrieres, pour empescher qu il n y puisse passer plus d un homme à la fois. Il faut passer par le… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Tourniquet — (franz., spr. turnikä, Turnikett, Aderpresse), chirurg. Instrument zum Zusammenpressen von Arterien, um Verblutung bei Verletzungen, bei Operationen u. zu verhüten. Dasselbe besteht (s. Abbildung) in einem Polster (Pelotte), das oberhalb der… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Tourniquet — Tour ni*quet, n. [F., fr. tourner to turn.] (Surg.) An instrument for arresting hemorrhage. It consists essentially of a pad or compress upon which pressure is made by a band which is tightened by a screw or other means. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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