torulopsis — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈäpsə̇s noun Etymology: New Latin, from torula + opsis 1. capitalized, in some classifications : a genus of round, oval, or cylindrical yeasts that form no spores and no pellicle when growing in a liquid culture medium and that include… … Useful english dictionary
Torulopsis — Torul|ọp|sis [lat. torulus = Wulst u. gr. ὀψις = Sehen; Anblick] w; ; in der Fügung: Torul|ọp|sis neo|fọrmans: grampositiver hefeähnlicher Pilz, Erreger der ↑Torulose … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
torulopsis — tor·u·lop·sis … English syllables
Torulopsis glabrata — a species that is part of the normal flora of the human mouth, intestine, and urinary tract but that in weak or immunocompromised patients may cause opportunistic infections such as torulopsosis, meningitis, pneumonia, cystitis, and fungemia.… … Medical dictionary
Candida glabrata — Torulopsis glabrata … Medical dictionary
Семейство Сахаромицетовые (Saccharomycetaceae) и другие группы дрожжей — Представители семейства сахаромицетовых (Saccharomycetaceae) не образуют типичного мицелия, их вегетативные клетки почкуются или делятся. Аскоспоры образуются в сумках, представляющих одиночные клетки. У многих дрожжей в цикле развития… … Биологическая энциклопедия
Raffaele Ciferri — Nacimiento 30 de mayo 1897 Fermo, provincia de Macerata Fallecimiento 12 de febrero 1964 Nacionalidad … Wikipedia Español
Candida glabrata — Taxobox name = Candida glabrata caption = Candida glabrata 1600x regnum = Fungi phylum = Ascomycota subphylum = Saccharomycotina classis = Saccharomycetes ordo = Saccharomycetales familia = Saccharomycetaceae genus = Candida species = C. glabrata … Wikipedia
Skin flora — Depiction of the human body and bacteria that predominate The skin flora are the microorganisms which reside on the skin. Most research has been upon those that reside upon the 2 square metres of human skin. Many of them are bacteria of which… … Wikipedia
Single cell protein — In essence a single cell protein is a protein extracted from cultured algae, yeasts, or bacteria and used as a substitute for protein rich foods, especially in animal feeds. Many types of animal feeds contain single cell proteins. Uses A single… … Wikipedia