- tide
- acid t. a temporary increase in the acidity of the urine occurring during fasting. SYN: acid wave.- alkaline t. a period of urinary neutrality or even alkalinity after meals due to withdrawal of hydrogen ion for the purpose of secretion of the highly acid gastric juice. SYN: alkaline wave.- red t. a natural phenomenon resulting from higher than normal concentrations of the microscopic algae Gymnodinium breve in seawater. [when the causative organism is extremely concentrated, sea water can have a reddish-brown color.]* * *Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly People [Europe]
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tide 'tīd n a temporary increase or decrease in a specified substance or quality in the body or one of its systems <a postprandial alkaline \tide, the typical rise in urinary pH associated with gastric acid secretion (E. J. Jacobson & Gerhard Fuchs)>* * *
(tīd) 1. the periodic fluctuation in the surface level of the ocean and related bodies of water, caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun, or a specific occurrence of such fluctuation. 2. anything that fluctuates in a similar manner, as a physiological variation or increase of a certain constituent in body fluids.
Medical dictionary. 2011.