- tibiocalcanean
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tib·io·cal·ca·ne·an (tib″e-o-kal-kaґne-ən) calcaneotibial.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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tib·io·cal·ca·ne·an (tib″e-o-kal-kaґne-ən) calcaneotibial.Medical dictionary. 2011.
tibiocalcaneal ligament — tibiocalcanean ligament pars tibiocalcanea ligamenti medialis … Medical dictionary
calcaneotibial — Relating to the calcaneus and the tibia. * * * cal·ca·neo·tib·i·al (kal ka″ne o tibґe əl) pertaining to the calcaneus and tibia; called also tibiocalcanean … Medical dictionary
pars tibiocalcanea ligamenti collateralis medialis — [TA] tibiocalcaneal part of medial collateral ligament: the middle portion of the superficial fibers of the medial collateral ligament of the ankle joint, attached superiorly to the medial malleolus of the tibia and inferiorly into nearly the… … Medical dictionary