Thyroliberin — Thyroliberin, TRH, zu den Liberinen gehörendes Neurohormon des Hypothalamus, welches die Sekretion von ⇒ thyrotropem Hormon in der Hypophyse stimuliert … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
thyroliberin — tireoliberinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Peptidinis hipotaliamo hormonas. atitikmenys: angl. thyroliberin rus. тиреолиберин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
thyroliberin — See thyrotrophic releasing hormone … Dictionary of molecular biology
Thyroliberin — Thy|ro|li|be|rin [↑ Thyrotropin u. ↑ liberin], das; s; S: Thyreoliberin; Syn.: Thyrotropin Releasing Faktor/Hormon (TRF, TRH), (als Freiname:) Protirelin: als Tripeptid (Glp His Pro NH2) ein mit ↑ Prolactoliberin identisches Hypothalamus Hormon,… … Universal-Lexikon
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone — protein Name = thyrotropin releasing hormone caption = Structural formula of TRH width = 200 HGNCid = 12298 Symbol = TRH AltSymbols = EntrezGene = 7200 OMIM = 275120 RefSeq = NM 007117 UniProt = P20396 PDB = ECnumber = Chromosome = 3 Arm = q Band … Wikipedia
Tripeptide — A tripeptide is a peptide consisting of three amino acids joined by peptide bonds.Examples of tripeptides are:*Glutathione ( γ glutamyl cysteinyl glycine) is an antioxidant, protecting cells from toxins such as free radicals. *Thyrotropin… … Wikipedia
Liberins — Liberins, otherwise known as releasing factors, are hormones produced by the hypothalamus that travel down the hypothalamic pituitary axis, to the posterior pituitary and cause the release of the corresponding hormone. For example Thyroliberin… … Wikipedia
TRH — Thyreoliberin Strukturformel des Thyreoliberin … Deutsch Wikipedia
TRH-Test — Thyreoliberin Strukturformel des Thyreoliberin … Deutsch Wikipedia
TSH-Releasing Hormon — Thyreoliberin Strukturformel des Thyreoliberin … Deutsch Wikipedia