- thyroidotomy
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thy·roid·ot·o·my (thi″roid-otґə-me) 1. median laryngotomy. 2. thyrotomy.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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thy·roid·ot·o·my (thi″roid-otґə-me) 1. median laryngotomy. 2. thyrotomy.Medical dictionary. 2011.
thyroidotomy — n. surgery on the thyroid gland … English contemporary dictionary
Thyroidectomy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 06.3 06.5 MeSH … Wikipedia
Thyrotomy — can also refer to the cutting or biopsy the thyroid gland Thyrotomy (also called thyroidotomy, median laryngotomy, laryngofissure or thyrofissure) is an incision of the larynx through the thyroid cartilage. See also Laryngotomy Cricothyrotomy… … Wikipedia
laryngofissure — Operative opening into the larynx, generally through the midline, commonly done for the excision of early carcinoma or the correction of laryngostenosis. SYN: median laryngotomy, thyrofissure, thyroidotomy, thyrotomy (2) … Medical dictionary
thyrotomy — 1. Any cutting operation on the thyroid gland. 2. SYN: laryngofissure. [thyro + G. tome, a cutting] * * * thy·rot·o·my thī rät ə mē n, pl mies surgical incision or division of the thyroid cartilage * * * n. surgical incision of either the thyroid … Medical dictionary