- thrombocytopenia
- A condition in which there is an abnormally small number of platelets in the circulating blood. SYN: thrombopenia. [thrombocyte + G. penia, poverty]- essential t. a primary form of t., in contrast to secondary forms that are associated with metastatic neoplasms, tuberculosis, and leukemia involving the bone marrow, or with direct suppression of bone marrow by the use of chemical agents, or with other conditions.- isoimmune neonatal t. immune t. resulting from maternal-fetal platelet incompatibility. SYN: autoimmune neonatal t..
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throm·bo·cy·to·pe·nia .thräm-bə-.sīt-ə-'pē-nē-ə, -nyə n persistent decrease in the number of blood platelets that is often associated with hemorrhagic conditions called also thrombopenia* * *
n.a reduction in the number of platelet in the blood. This results in bleeding into the skin (see purpura), spontaneous bruising, and prolonged bleeding after injury. Thrombocytopenia may result from failure of platelet production or excessive destruction of platelets.• thrombocytopenic adj.* * *
throm·bo·cy·to·pe·nia (throm″bo-si″to-peґne-ə) [thrombocyte + -penia] decrease in the number of platelets, such as in thrombocytopenic purpura. See also pancytopenia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.