
SYN: thoracoceloschisis. [thoraco- + G. gaster, belly, + schisis, fissure]

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tho·ra·co·gas·tros·chi·sis .thō-rə-.kō-gas-'träs-kə-səs n, pl -chi·ses -.sēz or -chi·sis·es a congenital developmental defect in which the body wall fails to close properly along the midline of the front of the thorax and abdomen allowing protrusion of the viscera

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tho·ra·co·gas·tros·chi·sis (thor″ə-ko-gas-trosґkĭ-sis) [thoraco- + gastro- + -schisis] congenital fissure of the thorax and abdomen; cf. celosomia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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