- Thiara
- A widespread genus of operculate snails (family Thiaridae, subclass Prosobranchiata) found in fresh and brackish waters, chiefly in tropical and subtropical Africa and Asia. T. tuberculata is one of the initial intermediate hosts of the human lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani, and of several fish-borne heterophyid flukes of humans and fish-eating mammals.
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Thi·ara thī-'ar-ə n a genus of freshwater snails (the type genus of the family Thiaridae) that includes several forms (as T. granifera of eastern Asia and the western Pacific islands) which are intermediate hosts of medically important trematodes* * *
Thi·a·ra (thi-ahґrə) a genus of fresh water snails of the family Thiaridae, found mostly in tropical regions of Africa and Asia; formerly called Melania. Some species, such as T. graniґfera and T. tuberculaґta, act as the main snail hosts of various trematode parasites, including Paragonimus, Metagonimus, and Haplorchis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.