- thermostromuhr
- A stromuhr that consists of a heating element between two thermocouples, which are applied to the outside of a vessel; blood flow is calculated from the difference in temperatures recorded by the proximal and distal thermocouples.
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ther·mo·strom·uhr .thər-mō-'strō-.mu̇(ə)r n a stromuhr that measures the rate of blood flow in an intact blood vessel by determining the amount of heating of the blood as indicated by a sensitive galvanometer when a radio-frequency current is passed through the vessel between thermocouples so that the amount of heating is inversely proportional to the rate of flow* * *
ther·mo·stro·muhr (thur″mo-stroґmoor) an instrument for measuring the amount of blood flowing in a blood vessel by noting temperature changes.
Medical dictionary. 2011.