- Terrey
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Terrey — This is a baptisimal name the son of Theodoric an Olde German name meaning people s rule . The Olde English form of the name was Theodric and Terry became the nickname in Medieval times. Terry appears as a forename (without surname) in the… … Surnames reference
Terrey Hills, New South Wales — Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb name = Terrey Hills city = Sydney state = nsw lga = Warringah Council postcode = 2084 est = pop = 2,876 [Census 2006 AUS | id = SSC11975 | name = Terrey Hills (State Suburb) | quick = on | accessdate=2008… … Wikipedia
Lowe-Terrey-MacLachlan syndrome — Lowe Ter·rey Mac·Lach·lan syndrome (loґ terґe mək lahkґlən) [C.U. Lowe; Mary Terrey, American physician, 20th century; Elsie A. MacLachlan, American physician, 20th century] oculocerebrorenal syndrome … Medical dictionary
Bus routes in Sydney — Bus routes in Sydney, Australia are numbered with three digits, the first digit referring to the region in which the bus route primarily operates.Northern BeachesBus services between the Northern Beaches region of Sydney and the central business… … Wikipedia
Forest Coach Lines — is a company that operates bus services in the northern suburbs of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. NetworkMetropolitan Bus Service Contract (MBSC) Region 14 *194: St Ives City (Weekday Peak service) *195: St Ives Gordon Railway Station *196:… … Wikipedia
Manly-Warringah Radio Society — The Manly Warringah Radio Society (MWRS) is an Amateur Radio enthusiast group serving the Northern Beaches and North Shore areas of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Operating under the call sign VK2MB [1] the society boasts members from a wide … Wikipedia
Checkers Resort — (Terrey Hills,Австралия) Категория отеля: 3,5 звезд Адрес: 331 Mona Vale Road, 2084 … Каталог отелей
New South Wales Suburban Rugby Union — The New South Wales Suburban Rugby Union (NSWSRU) is affiliated to the New South Wales Rugby Union and runs the competition affectionately known as Subbies rugby. There are around 7500 players and 55 clubs competing across 6 divisions, making… … Wikipedia
Miramare Gardens Boutique Accommodation — (Terrey Hills,Австралия) Категория отеля … Каталог отелей
Antarctic Peninsula — map. Location o … Wikipedia