- tenia
- t. choroidea [TA] the somewhat thickened line along which a choroid membrane or plexus is attached to the rim of a brain ventricle. SYN: choroid line [TA], t. telae.- teniae coli [TA] the three bands in which the longitudinal muscular fibers of the large intestine, except the rectum, are collected; these are the mesocolic t. (t. mesocolica [TA]), situated at the place corresponding to the mesenteric attachment; the free t. (t. libera [TA]), opposite the mesocolic t.; and the omental t. (t. omentalis [TA]), at the place corresponding to the site of adhesion of the greater omentum to the transverse colon. SYN: bands of colon, colic teniae, teniae of Valsalva.- t. fornicis [TA] the line of attachment of the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle to the fornix. SYN: t. fimbriae, t. of the fornix.- t. hippocampi SYN: fimbria hippocampi.- t. libera [TA] SYN: free t.. See teniae coli.- t. tecta indusium griseum.- t. thalami [TA] the sharp edge or angle between the superior and medial surfaces of the thalamus on either side; to it is attached the epithelial lamina forming the roof of the third ventricle. SYN: t. ventriculi tertii, thalamic t..- t. ventriculi quarti the line of attachment of the choroid roof to the rim of the fourth ventricle. SYN: t. of fourth ventricle.
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tenia, teniacidal, teniacide, tenia coli, teniafuge, teniasis var of TAENIA, TAENIACIDAL, TAENIACIDE, TAENIA COLI, TAENIAFUGE, TAENIASIS* * *
te·nia (teґne-ə) gen. and pl. teґniae [L. taenia] taenia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.