
1. Any thin weblike structure. 2. A tissue; especially one of delicate formation. [L. a web]
- t. choroidea [TA] that portion of the pia mater that covers the ependymal roof or, in the case of the lateral ventricle, medial wall of a cerebral ventricle. SYN: choroid membrane [TA].
- t. choroidea of fourth ventricle [TA] the sheet of pia mater covering the lower part of the ependymal roof of the fourth ventricle. SYN: t. choroidea ventriculi quarti [TA], t. choroidea inferior.
- t. choroidea inferior SYN: t. choroidea of fourth ventricle.
- t. choroidea superior SYN: t. choroidea of third ventricle.
- t. choroidea of third ventricle a double fold of pia mater, enclosing subarachnoid trabeculae, between the fornix above and the epithelial roof of the third ventricle and the thalami below; at each lateral margin is a vascular fringe projecting into the choroidal fissure of the lateral ventricle; on its undersurface are several small vascular projections filling the folds of the ependymal roof of the third ventricle. SYN: t. choroidea ventriculi tertii [TA], t. choroidea superior, triangular lamella, velum interpositum, velum triangulare.
- t. choroidea ventriculi quarti [TA] SYN: t. choroidea of fourth ventricle.
- t. choroidea ventriculi tertii [TA] SYN: t. choroidea of third ventricle.
- t. elastica SYN: elastic tissue.
- t. subcutanea [TA] SYN: subcutaneous tissue.
- t. subcutanea penis [TA]
- t. subcutanea perinei [TA]
- t. submucosa SYN: submucosa.
- t. submucosa pharyngis SYN: pharyngobasilar fascia.
- t. subserosa [TA] SYN: subserosa.
- t. vasculosa SYN: choroid plexus.

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te·la '- n, pl te·lae -. an anatomical tissue or layer of tissue

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any thin weblike tissue, particularly the tela choroidea, a folded double layer of pia mater containing numerous small blood vessels that extends into several of the ventricle of the brain.

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te·la (teґlə) pl. teґlae [L. âœsomething woven,❠âœwebâ] tissue: a thin weblike layer or membrane.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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