
1. A covering structure. 2. SYN: mesencephalic t.. [L. covering structure, fr. tego, to cover]
- t. mesencephali [TA] SYN: mesencephalic t..
- mesencephalic t. that major part of the substance of the mesencephalon or midbrain that extends from the substantia nigra to the level of the cerebral aqueduct. SYN: t. mesencephali [TA], t. of midbrain [TA], midbrain t., t. (2).
- midbrain t. SYN: mesencephalic t..
- t. of midbrain [TA] SYN: mesencephalic t..
- t. of pons [TA] SYN: dorsal part of pons.
- t. pontis [TA] SYN: dorsal part of pons.
- t. rhombencephali SYN: rhombencephalic t..
- rhombencephalic t. the portion of the pons continuous with the mesencephalic t.; it consists of reticular formation, tracts, and cranial nerve nuclei, and forms the dorsal part of the pons (pars dorsalis pontis). SYN: t. of rhombencephalon, t. rhombencephali.
- t. of rhombencephalon SYN: rhombencephalic t..

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teg·men·tum teg-'ment-əm n, pl -men·ta -'ment-ə an anatomical covering: TEGMEN esp the part of the ventral midbrain above the substantia nigra formed of longitudinal white fibers with arched transverse fibers and gray matter

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the region of the midbrain below and in front of the cerebral aqueduct. It contains the nuclei of several cranial nerves, the reticular formation, and other ascending and descending nerve pathways linking the forebrain and the spinal cord.

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teg·men·tum (təg-menґtəm) pl. tegmenґta [L.] a covering. 2. t. mesencephali. 3. the dorsal part of each cerebral peduncle; see also t. mesencephali and pedunculus cerebri.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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