
1. Reduction of a hernia or of a dislocation of any part by means of manipulation. 2. Systematic classification or orderly arrangement. 3. The reaction of protoplasm to a stimulus, by virtue of which animals and plants are led to move or act in certain definite ways in relation to their environment; the various kinds of t. are designated by a prefix denoting the stimulus governing them; e.g., chemotaxis, electrotaxis, thermotaxis. [G. orderly arrangement]
- negative t. the repulsion of protoplasm away from a stimulus.
- positive t. the attraction of protoplasm toward a stimulus.

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tax·is 'tak-səs n, pl tax·es -.sēz
1) the manual restoration of a displaced body part specif the reduction of a hernia manually
2 a) reflex translational or orientational movement by a freely motile and usu. simple organism in relation to a source of stimulation (as a light or a temperature or chemical gradient)
b) a reflex reaction involving a taxis

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(in surgery) the returning to a normal position of displaced bones, organs, or other parts by manipulation only, unaided by mechanical devices.

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tax·is (takґsis) [Gr. “a drawing up in rank and file”] 1. an orientation movement of a motile organism in response to an external stimulus. Such a response may be either positive (toward) or negative (away from the stimulus). Cf. tropism. 2. exertion of force in the manual replacement of a displaced or injured organ or structure, as in the reduction of a fracture or dislocation, or the replacement of a protruded intestine in hernia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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