
Genus of oxyurid nematode pinworms of rodents; S. obvelata is the common cecal pinworm of mice, and S. muris, of rats. SEE ALSO: Aspiculuris tetraptera. [fr. L. siphon, tube]

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Sy·pha·cia sī-'fā-shē-ə n a genus of nematode worms of the family Oxyuridae that includes one (S. obvelata) normally parasitic in the cecum and colon of rodents and rarely in humans

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Sy·pha·cia (si-faґse-ə) a genus of nematodes of the family Oxyuridae. S. obveolaґta is a common intestinal parasite of laboratory rats that has occasionally been reported in human infants.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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