- synovitis
- Inflammation of a synovial membrane, especially that of a joint; in general, when unqualified, the same as arthritis. [synovia + G. -itis, inflammation]- filarial s. synovial inflammation often followed by fibrotic ankylosis due to microfilariae in the joint.- pigmented villonodular s. diffuse outgrowths of synovial membrane of a joint, usually the knee, composed of synovial villi and fibrous nodules infiltrated by hemosiderin- and lipid-containing macrophages and multinucleated giant cells; the condition may be inflammatory, although recurrence is likely to follow incomplete removal. SYN: chronic hemorrhagic villous s..- purulent s. SYN: suppurative arthritis.- s. sicca SYN: dry s..- suppurative s. SYN: suppurative arthritis.- tendinous s. SYN: tenosynovitis.
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sy·no·vi·tis .sī-nə-'vīt-əs n inflammation of a synovial membrane usu. with pain and swelling of the joint* * *
n.inflammation of the membrane (synovium) that lines a joint capsule, resulting in pain and swelling (arthritis). It is caused by injury, infection, or rheumatic disease. Treatment depends on the underlying cause; to determine this, samples of the synovial fluid or membrane are taken for examination.* * *
syno·vi·tis (sin″o-viґtis) inflammation of a synovium; it is usually painful, particularly on motion, and is characterized by a fluctuating swelling due to effusion within a synovial sac. Some types are named for accompanying tissue changes, such as fibrinous, hyperplastic, or lipomatous synovitis; others are named for accompanying disease processes or complications, such as gonorrheal, metritic, puerperal, rheumatic, scarlatinal, syphilitic, or tuberculous synovitis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.