
Cartilaginous joint in which two bones are united either by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage. SYN: synchondrodial joint [TA]. [Mod. L. fr. G. syn, together, + chondros, cartilage, + -osis, condition]
- anterior intraoccipital s. [TA] cartilaginous union in the newborn between the lateral and the basilar portions of the occipital bone. SYN: s. intraoccipitalis anterior [TA], anterior intraoccipital joint.
- s. arycorniculata SYN: arycorniculate s..
- arycorniculate s. the junction of the corniculate cartilage (of Santorini) with the arytenoid. SYN: s. arycorniculata.
- cranial synchondroses [TA] the cartilaginous joints of the skull; these include sphenoethmoidal s., sphenooccipital s., sphenopetrosal s., petrooccipital s., anterior intraoccipital and posterior intraoccipital s.. SYN: synchondroses cranii [TA].
- synchondroses cranii [TA] SYN: cranial synchondroses.
- s. epiphyseos SYN: epiphysial line.
- synchondroses intersternebrales persisting cartilages uniting the bony elements of the sternum, as in some domestic animals such as the dog. SYN: intersternebral joints.
- s. intraoccipitalis anterior [TA] SYN: anterior intraoccipital s..
- s. intraoccipitalis posterior [TA] SYN: posterior intraoccipital s..
- s. manubriosternalis [TA] SYN: manubriosternal joint.
- neurocentral s. the cartilaginous union on either side between the body and arch of a vertebra in the young child. SYN: neurocentral joint, neurocentral suture.
- s. petro- occipitalis [TA] SYN: petrooccipital s..
- posterior intraoccipital s. [TA] cartilaginous union between the squamous and lateral parts of the occipital bone in the newborn. SYN: s. intraoccipitalis posterior [TA], Budin obstetrical joint, posterior intraoccipital joint.
- sphenoethmoidal s. [TA] cartilaginous union between the body of the sphenoid and the posterior part of the ethmoidal labyrinth. SYN: s. sphenoethmoidalis [TA].
- s. sphenoethmoidalis [TA] SYN: sphenoethmoidal s..
- sphenooccipital s. [TA] cartilaginous union between the body of the sphenoid and the basilar portion of the occipital; it fuses by the twentieth year and thus has particular importance in forensic anthropology; incorrectly called sphenooccipital suture. SYN: s. spheno- occipitalis [TA], sphenooccipital joint, sphenooccipital suture.
- s. sphenopetrosa [TA] SYN: sphenopetrosal s..
- sphenopetrosal s., sphenopetrous s. [TA] fibrocartilage filling the sphenopetrosal fissure. SYN: s. sphenopetrosa [TA].
- sternal synchondroses [TA] the cartilaginous junctions between the body of the sternum and the manubrium (manubriosternal joint or symphysis), and between the body of the sternum and the xiphoid process (xiphisternal joint or symphysis); in domestic animals, there may be several, e.g., the manubriosternal, intersternebral, and the xiphisternal joints. SYN: synchondroses sternales [TA], sternal joints.
- synchondroses sternales [TA] SYN: sternal synchondroses.
- s. xiphosternalis SYN: xiphisternal joint.

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syn·chon·dro·sis .sin-.kän-'drō-səs n, pl -dro·ses -.sēz an immovable skeletal articulation in which the union is cartilaginous

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a slightly movable joint (see amphiarthrosis) in which the surfaces of the bones are separated by hyaline cartilage, as occurs between the ribs and sternum. This cartilage may become ossified in later development, as between the epiphysis and shaft of a long bone.

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syn·chon·dro·sis (sin″kon-droґsis) pl. synchondroґses [Gr. synchondrōsis a growing into one cartilage] [TA] a union between two bones formed by either hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage; it is usually temporary, the intervening cartilage being converted into bone before adult life.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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