
Equality or correspondence in form of parts distributed around a center or an axis, at the extremities or poles, or on the opposite sides of any body. [G. symmetria, fr. sym- + metron, measure]
- inverse s. correspondence of the right or left side of an asymmetrical individual to the left or right side of another.

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sym·me·try 'sim-ə-trē n, pl -tries
1) correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plane or about a center or axis see BILATERAL SYMMETRY, RADIAL SYMMETRY
2) the property of remaining invariant under certain changes (as of orientation in space, of the sign of the electric charge, of parity, or of the direction of time flow) used of physical phenomena and of equations describing them

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(in anatomy) the state of opposite parts of an organ or parts at opposite sides of the body corresponding to each other.

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sym·me·try (simґə-tre) [Gr. symmetria; syn with + metron measure] the similar arrangement in form and relationships of parts around a common axis, or on each side of a plane of the body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Symmetry — Sym me*try, n. [L. symmetria, Gr. ?; sy n with, together + ? a measure: cf. F. sym[ e]trie. See {Syn }, and {Meter} rhythm.] 1. A due proportion of the several parts of a body to each other; adaptation of the form or dimensions of the several… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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