Sylvatic — is a scientific term referring to diseases or pathogens affecting only wild (sylvan means forest dwelling ) animals. In the context of animal research, its opposite is domestic, which refers to pets, farm animals or other animals which do not… … Wikipedia
sylvatic — [sil vat′ik] adj. [L silvaticus < silva: see SYLVAN] of or in the woods, or affecting the animals in the woods [sylvatic plague] … English World dictionary
Sylvatic — Syl*vat ic, a. [L. sylvaticus, better silvaticus. See {Silvan}, a.] Sylvan. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sylvatic — (ˈ)sil|vad.ik adjective Etymology: Latin silvaticus, sylvaticus more at savage 1. : sylvan the sylvatic Indians who occupied the extreme western parts of the provinces J.A.Coscullela 2. : occurring in wild animals in its … Useful english dictionary
sylvatic — adjective Etymology: Latin silvaticus of the woods, wild more at savage Date: 1661 1. sylvan < sylvatic rodents > 2. occurring in or affecting wild animals < sylvatic diseases > … New Collegiate Dictionary
sylvatic plague — n a form of plague of which wild rodents and their fleas are the reservoirs and vectors and which is widely distributed in western No. and So. America though rarely affecting humans * * * bubonic plague occurring in the woods, such as that widely … Medical dictionary
Sylvatic cycle — The sylvatic cycle, also enzootic or sylvatic transmission cycle, is a portion of the natural transmission cycle of a pathogen. The sylvatic cycle is the fraction of the pathogen population s lifespan spent cycling between wild animals and… … Wikipedia
sylvatic — См. silvatic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sylvatic — /sil vat ik/, adj. sylvan. [1650 60; < L silvaticus, equiv. to silv(a) SILVA + aticus (see ATE1, IC)] * * * … Universalium
sylvatic — adjective a) Of or pertaining to woods or woodland organisms; sylvan b) Of or pertaining to wild rather than domestic animals … Wiktionary