- surveillance
- 1. The collection, collation, analysis, and dissemination of data; a type of observational study that involves continuous monitoring of disease occurrence within a population. 2. Ongoing scrutiny, generally using methods distinguished by practicability, uniformity, or rapidity, rather than complete accuracy. [Fr. surveiller, to watch over, fr. L. super- + vigilo, to watch]- immune s. a theory that the immune system recognizes and destroys tumor cells which are constantly arising during the life of the individual. SYN: immunological s..- post- marketing s. procedure implemented after a drug has been licensed for public use, designed to provide information on use and on occurrence of side effect s, adverse effects, etc.
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sur·veil·lance sər-'vā-lən(t)salso -'vāl-yən(t)sor -'vā-ən(t)s n close and continuous observation or testing <serological \surveillance> see IMMUNOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE* * *
sur·veil·lance (sər-vālґəns) 1. watching or monitoring. 2. a procedure used instead of quarantine to control the spread of infectious disease, involving close supervision during the incubation period of possible contacts of individuals exposed to an infectious disease.
Medical dictionary. 2011.