Krukenberg tumor

Krukenberg tumor
: A tumor of the ovary caused by the spread of stomach cancer. When the stomach cancer spreads to an ovary, the tumor in the ovary is called a Krukenberg tumor. (This tumor, named for a doctor, is not a different disease; it is metastatic stomach cancer. The cancer cells in a Krukenberg tumor are stomach cancer cells, the same as the cancer cells in the primary tumor).

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Kru·ken·berg tumor 'krü-kən-.bərg- n a metastatic ovarian tumor of mucin-producing epithelial cells usu. derived from a primary gastrointestinal tumor
Kru·ken·berg -.berk Friedrich Ernst (1871-1946)
German pathologist. Krukenberg published his original description of the Krukenberg tumor in 1896.

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a special type of carcinoma of the ovary, usually metastatic from cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, especially of the stomach. It is characterized by areas of mucoid degeneration and signet ring cells. Called also carcinoma mucocellulare.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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