- Strophanthus
- A genus of vines of east Africa (family Apocynaceae); the dried ripe seeds of S. kombé or S. hispidus contain the cardiac glycoside strophanthin and were used as an arrow poison; the seeds of S. gratus are the botanical source of ouabain. [G. strophos, a twisted cord, + anthos, flower]
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stro·phan·thus -thəs n1) cap a genus of tropical Asian and African trees, shrubs, and woody vines of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) that include several African forms with poisonous seeds as well as forms (as S. kombé) that furnish strophanthin2) the dried cleaned ripe seeds of any of several plants of the genus Strophanthus (as S. kombé and S. hispidus) that are in moderate doses a cardiac stimulant like digitalis but in larger doses a violent poison and that have strophanthin as their most active constituent* * *
Stro·phan·thus (stro-fanґthəs) [Gr. strophos a twisted band + anthos flower] a genus of shrubs, trees, and woody vines of the family Apocynaceae, found mostly in tropical Africa; several species are poisonous. S. graґtus (Wall. & Hock.) Baill. yields ouabain; S. hisґpidus DC. yields onaye and pseudostrophanthin; and S. komґbй Oliv. yields strophanthidin and strophanthin.
Medical dictionary. 2011.