- Strongyloidea
- A superfamily of strongyle nematode parasites including the genera Ancyclostoma, Necator, Ostertagia, Haemonchus, and Strongylus, as well as the tapeworms of fowl, the lungworms of carnivores, and some of the most important helminth pathogens of humans and domestic animals. [see Strongyloides]
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Stron·gy·loi·dea .strän-jə-'lȯid-ē-ə n pl a superfamily of parasitic nematode worms (order Rhabditida) comprising the hookworms, strongyles, and related forms* * *
Stron·gy·loi·dea (stron″jə-loiґde-ə) a superfamily of phasmids, including the hookworms and related bursate nematodes. It comprises the families Ancylostomidae, Strongylidae, Trichostrongylidae, Metastrongylidae, and Syngamidae.
Medical dictionary. 2011.