- stratigraphy
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stra·tig·ra·phy (strə-tigґrə-fe) [stratum + -graphy] tomography.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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stra·tig·ra·phy (strə-tigґrə-fe) [stratum + -graphy] tomography.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Stratigraphy — Stratigraphy, a branch of geology, studies rock layers and layering (stratification). It is primarily used in the study of sedimentary and layered volcanic rocks. Stratigraphy includes two related subfields: lithologic or lithostratigraphy and… … Wikipedia
Stratigraphy — Stra*tig ra*phy, n. [Stratum + graphy.] That branch of geology which treats of the arrangement and succession of strata. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stratigraphy — (n.) 1865, from L. strati , comb. form of stratum (see STRATUM (Cf. stratum)) + GRAPHY (Cf. graphy) … Etymology dictionary
stratigraphy — [strə tig′rə fē] n. [< STRATUM + GRAPHY] 1. the arrangement of rocks in layers or strata 2. the branch of geology dealing with the study of the nature, distribution, and relations of the stratified rocks of the earth s crust stratigrapher n.… … English World dictionary
stratigraphy — stratigrapher, stratigraphist, n. stratigraphic /strat i graf ik/, stratigraphical, adj. stratigraphically, adv. /streuh tig reuh fee/, n. a branch of geology dealing with the classification, nomenclature, correlation, and interpretation of… … Universalium
stratigraphy — stratigrafija statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Geologijos šaka, tirianti Žemės plutą sudarančių uolienų sluoksnių susiklostymo seką, jų savitarpio santykį erdvėje ir santykinį amžių. atitikmenys: angl. stratigraphy vok.… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
stratigraphy — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1865 1. geology that deals with the origin, composition, distribution, and succession of strata 2. the arrangement of strata … New Collegiate Dictionary
stratigraphy — noun a) The study of rock layers and the layering process (stratification) b) the layering of deposits, with newer remains overlaying older ones, forming a chronology of the site … Wiktionary
stratigraphy — The branch of geology that deals with the definition and interpretation of layered earth materials; the conditions of their formation; their character, arrangement, sequence, age, and distribution; and especially their correlation by the use… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
stratigraphy — study of geological layers or strata Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary