
Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. [stomat- + G. -itis, inflammation]
- angular s. SYN: angular cheilitis.
- aphthous s. SYN: aphtha (2).
- epidemic s. contagious mouth infection, usually due to Group A coxsackievirus. SEE ALSO: herpangina.
- fusospirochetal s. infection of the mouth with spirochetal organisms, usually in association with other anaerobes. SEE ALSO: Vincent angina.
- gangrenous s. s. characterized by necrosis of oral tissue. See noma.
- gonococcal s. inflammatory and ulcerative oral lesions resulting from infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae; usually primary as a result of oral-genital contact, but occasionally is the result of gonococcemia.
- lead s. oral manifestation of lead poisoning consisting of a bluish-black line following the contours of the marginal gingiva where lead sulfide has precipitated due to the inflamed environment.
- s. medicamentosa inflammatory alterations of the oral mucosa associated with a systemic drug allergy; lesions may consist of erythema, vesicles, bullae, ulcerations, or angioneurotic edema.
- mercurial s. alterations of the oral mucosa arising from chronic mercury poisoning; may consist of mucosal erythema and edema, ulceration, and deposition of mercurial sulfide in inflamed tissues, resulting in oral pigmentation resembling that of lead s..
- nicotine s. heat-stimulated lesions, usually on the palate, that begin with erythema and progress to multiple white papules with a red dot in the center. The red dot represents a dilated, inflamed salivary duct orifice.
- primary herpetic s. first infection of oral tissues with herpes simplex virus; characterized by gingival inflammation, vesicles, and ulcers. SYN: primary herpetic gingivostomatitis.
- recurrent aphthous s. SYN: aphtha (2).
- recurrent herpetic s. reactivation of herpes simplex virus infection, characterized by vesicles and ulceration limited to the hard palate and attached gingiva.
- recurrent ulcerative s. SYN: aphtha (2).
- ulcerative s. SYN: aphtha (2).
- vesicular s. a vesicular disease of horses, cattle, swine, and occasionally humans caused by a Vesiculovirus (vesicular s. virus) in the family Rhabdoviridae; in horses and cattle the disease usually causes mouth vesicles which, in cattle, cannot be differentiated clinically from those of foot-and-mouth disease.

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sto·ma·ti·tis .stō--'tīt-əs n, pl -tit·i·des -'tit-ə-.dēz or -ti·tis·es -'tīt-ə-səz any of numerous inflammatory diseases of the mouth having various causes (as mechanical trauma, allergy, vitamin deficiency, or infection) <erosive \stomatitis>

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inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth.

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sto·ma·ti·tis (stomə-tiґtis) pl. stomatiґtides [stomat- + -itis] inflammation of the oral mucosa, due to local or systemic factors, which may involve the buccal and labial mucosa, palate, tongue, floor of the mouth, and the gingivae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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