- stoma
- 1. A minute opening or pore. 2. An artificial opening between two cavities or canals, or between such and the surface of the body. [G. a mouth]- loop s. a specialized s. of intestine or ureter by which a loop of the hollow viscus is brought through an opening in the abdominal wall, with an opening created in the apex of the viscus to allow egress of its contents.
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1) any of various small simple bodily openings esp. in a lower animal2) an artificial permanent opening esp. in the abdominal wall made in surgical procedures <a colostomy \stoma>* * *
n. (pl. stomata)2. (in surgery) the artificial opening of a tube (e.g. the colon or ileum) that has been brought to the abdominal surface (see colostomy, ileostomy). Stoma therapists are nurses specially trained in the care of these artificial openings and the appliances used with them.• stomal adj.* * *
sto·ma (stoґmə) pl. stomas, stoґmata [Gr. “mouthâ€] 1. any minute pore, orifice, or opening on a free surface. 2. the opening established in the abdominal wall by colostomy, ileostomy, or a similar operation. 3. the opening between two portions of the intestine in an anastomosis.Stoma resulting from a descending colostomy.
Medical dictionary. 2011.