- Keratoconus
- Cone-shaped cornea with the apex of the cone being forward. Also called conical cornea.
* * *A conical protrusion of the cornea caused by thinning of the stroma; usually bilateral. SEE ALSO: Fleischer ring, Munson sign. SYN: conical cornea. [kerato- + G. konos, cone]- circumscribed posterior k. congenital corneal defect characterized by a craterlike defect on the posterior corneal surface.
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n.conical cornea: an abnormal condition of the eye in which the cornea, instead of having a regular curvature, comes to a rounded apex towards its centre. The 'cone' tends to become sharper over a period of years.* * *
ker·a·to·co·nus (ker″ə-to-koґnəs) [kerato- + conus] a noninflammatory, usually bilateral protrusion of the cornea, the apex being displaced downward and nasally. It occurs most commonly in females at about puberty. The cause is unknown, but hereditary factors may play a role. Called also conical cornea.
Medical dictionary. 2011.