
A state or condition. [L. a way of standing]
- s. anginosus prolonged angina pectoris refractory to treatment.
- s. arthriticus obsolete term for gouty diathesis or predisposition.
- s. asthmaticus a condition of severe, prolonged asthma.
- s. choleraicus the cold stage of shock and depression in cholera, due to fluid and electrolyte loss and resulting hypovolemia; characterized by weak pulse, cold clammy skin, confusion, and depression.
- s. choreicus a very severe form of chorea in which the persistence of the movements prevents sleep and the patient may die of exhaustion.
- s. cribrosus a condition marked by dilations of the perivascular spaces in the brain.
- s. criticus a very severe and persistent form of crisis in tabes dorsalis.
- s. dysmyelinisatus SYN: Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome.
- s. dysraphicus a condition in which there is failure of fusion of midline structures, especially failure of neural tube closure. SYN: arrhaphia.
- s. epilepticus repeated seizure or a seizure prolonged for at least 30 min; may be convulsive (tonic-clonic), nonconvulsive (absence or complex partial), partial (epilepsia partialis continuans), or subclinical (electrographic s. epilepticus).
- s. hemicranicus a condition in which attacks of migraine succeed each other with such short intervals as to be almost continuous.
- s. hypnoticus rarely used term for hypnosis.
- s. lacunaris a condition, occurring in cerebral arteriosclerosis, in which there are numerous small areas of degeneration in the brain.
- s. lymphaticus SYN: s. thymicolymphaticus.
- s. marmoratus a congenital condition due to maldevelopment of the corpus striatum associated with choreoathetosis, in which the striate nuclei have a marblelike appearance caused by altered myelination.
- nonreassuring fetal s. abnormal fetal heart rate or rhythm on electronic monitoring, suggesting fetal ischemia. SYN: fetal distress.
- performance s. a measure of a patient's well-being defined as the amount of normal activity the patient can maintain.
- s. praesens obsolete term for the part of the history of a case describing the condition of the patient at initial observation.
- s. spongiosus multiple fluid-filled spaces of microscopic size in the cerebral white matter; seen in certain hypoxic, toxic, and metabolic diseases.
- s. sternuens a state of continual sneezing.
- s. thymicolymphaticus obsolete term for a syndrome of supposed enlargement of the thymus and lymph node s in infants and young children, formerly believed to be associated with unexplained sudden death; it was also erroneously believed that pressure of the thymus on the trachea might cause death during anesthesia. Prominence of these structures is now considered normal in young children, including those who have died suddenly without preceding illnesses that might lead to atrophy of lymphoid tissue. SEE ALSO: sudden infant death syndrome. SYN: s. lymphaticus, s. thymicus.
- s. thymicus SYN: s. thymicolymphaticus.
- s. vertiginosus a condition in which attacks of vertigo occur in rapid succession. SYN: chronic vertigo.

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sta·tus 'stāt-əs, 'stat- n, pl sta·tus·es a particular state or condition <a patient's neurological \status>

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sta·tus (staґtəs) [L.] state; particularly used in reference to a morbid condition.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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