- Juxtaspinal
- Near the spinal column. The prefix "juxta-" comes from the Latin preposition meaning near, nearby, close. Other examples of terms starting with "juxta-" include. for examples, juxtaarticular and juxtapyloric. Juxtaarticular is composed of juxta, near + articular, from the Latin "articulus", a joint = near a joint. A juxtaarticular fracture is a break near a joint. Juxtapyloric means near the pylorus (the muscular area at the junction of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine, the duodenum). To speak of a juxtapyloric ulcer is to put the location of the ulcer near the pylorus.
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jux·ta·spi·nal (juks″tə-spiґnəl) paravertebral.
Medical dictionary. 2011.