- staphylo-, staphyl-
- Resemblance to a grape or a bunch of grapes, hence relating usually to staphylococci or, in obsolescent image, to the uvula palatina. SEE ALSO: uvulo-. [G. staphyle, a bunch of grapes]
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
staphylo- — ⇒STAPHYL(O) , (STAPHYL , STAPHYLO )élém. formant Élém. entrant dans la constr. de mots sav. appartenant le plus souvent au vocab. de la méd. I. Élém. empr. au gr. ( ) , de « grappe de raisin ». V. staphilier, staphylocoque, staphylome. II. Élém.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
staphyl- — ⇒STAPHYL(O) , (STAPHYL , STAPHYLO )élém. formant Élém. entrant dans la constr. de mots sav. appartenant le plus souvent au vocab. de la méd. I. Élém. empr. au gr. ( ) , de « grappe de raisin ». V. staphilier, staphylocoque, staphylome. II. Élém.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
staphylo- — [staf′ə lō, staf′ələ] [< Gr staphylē, bunch of grapes] combining form 1. uvula [staphylorrhaphy] 2. grapelike [staphylococcus]: Also, before a vowel, prefix combining form staphyl … English World dictionary
staphyl- — combining form or staphylo Etymology: Middle French staphyl , from Latin staphyl , staphylo , from Greek, bunch of grapes, uvula, from staphylē bunch of grapes swollen uvula, uvula; akin to Greek stemphylon olive pulp more at staff 1. a. : bunch… … Useful english dictionary
staphylo... — sta|phy|lo..., Sta|phy|lo..., vor Vokalen auch staphyl..., Staphyl... <aus gr. staphyle̅, vgl.↑Staphyle> Wortbildungselement mit den Bedeutungen: a) »traubenförmig«, z. B. Staphylokokkus; b) »das Gaumenzäpfchen betreffend«, z. B.… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
staphyl... — sta|phyl..., Sta|phyl... vgl. ↑staphylo..., Staphylo … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
staphyl- — See staphylo … Medical dictionary
staphylo- — 1. a word element referring to staphylococcus. 2. a word element referring to the uvula. Also, (before vowels), staphyl . {Greek staphylē bunch of grapes} …
staphylo- — combining form see staphyl … Useful english dictionary
stafilo — Element prim de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia (în formă de) ciorchine . [< fr. staphylo , cf. gr. staphyle]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN STAFIL(O) , STAFILÍE elem. ciorchine, luetă . (< fr. staphyl/o/ , staphylie, cf … Dicționar Român