* * *slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis
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slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis.Medical dictionary. 2011.
SRS — may stand for:In science : * Synchrotron Radiation Source, Daresbury Laboratory a facility that uses synchrotron radiation for research purposes * Simple random sampling a sampling method in which a group of subjects is chosen from a larger group … Wikipedia
SRS-A — [Abk. für engl. slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis = langsam reagierende Substanzen der Anaphylaxie]: Sammelbez. für die ↑ Leukotriene LTC4, LTD4 u. LTE4, die für den Bronchospasmus bei Asthma verantwortlich sind … Universal-Lexikon
SRS — [Abk. für Sound Retrieval System, dt. »Klangwiederherstellungssystem«], ein Raumklangverfahren zur Verbesserung des Stereo Sounds, das mit DSP arbeitet … Universal-Lexikon
SRS — Die Abkürzung SRS steht für: Safety Related System, ein System mit Sicherheitsbezug SAN Registration Service, eine Lösung um Bandlaufwerke und Libraries innerhalb eines SAN mehreren Servern zugänglich zu machen (dynamische Umschaltung)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
SRS — Abbreviation for slow reacting substance. * * * schizophrenic residual state; sequential retrieval system; sex reassignment surgery; silencing regulatory sequences; Silver Russell syndrome; simple repeat sequence; slow reacting substance; Snyder… … Medical dictionary
SRS — Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy. A type of radionuclide scan used to find carcinoid and other types of tumors. In SRS, radioactive octreotide, a drug similar to somatostatin, is injected into a vein and travels through the bloodstream. The… … English dictionary of cancer terms
SRS Labs — SRS Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ|SRSL), formed in 1993 from the audio division of the Hughes Aircraft Company, is dedicated to developing and licensing audio enhancement technologies. Its flagship technology is the Sound Retrieval System. SRS Labs develops … Wikipedia
SRS WOW — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Tecnología que pretende mejorar el audio simulando una acústica 3D natural. Basada en la función de transmisión referente al cabezal. Hace uso de tres tecnologías: SRS 3D para mejorar el efecto estéreo al simular el… … Wikipedia Español
SRS Královec — (Valašské Klobouky,Чехия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Na Královci 460, Valašské Klobouky … Каталог отелей
SRS Grand Aston Hotel Nice (Nice) — SRS Grand Aston Hotel Nice country: France, city: Nice (Old Town) SRS Grand Aston Hotel Nice Ideally located in the centre of Nice, facing the Place Massena gardens with its fountains and close to the old city and casino, the Golden Tulip Grand… … International hotels