
Angina is chest pain that is due to an inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. The chest pain of angina is typically severe and crushing. There is a feeling just behind the breastbone (the sternum) of pressure and suffocation. The word “angina” comes from the Latin verb “angere” meaning “to choke or throttle.” “Angina” is now the same as “angina pectoris” (the Latin “pectus” = “chest”). Angina was first described by the English physician William Heberden (1710-
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1. A severe, often constricting pain, usually referring to a. pectoris. 2. Old term for a sore throat from any cause. [L. quinsy]
- abdominal a., a. abdominis intermittent abdominal pain, frequently occurring at a fixed time after eating, caused by inadequacy of the mesenteric circulation from arteriosclerosis or other arterial disease. SYN: intestinal a..
- agranulocytic a. SYN: agranulocytosis.
- crescendo a. a. pectoris that occurs with increasing frequency, intensity, or duration.
- a. cruris intermittent claudication of the leg.
- a. decubitus a. pectoris related to horizontal, usually supine, body position.
- a. of effort a. pectoris precipitated by physical exertion.
- false a. a.-like sensation(s) in absence of myocardial ischemia.
- Heberden a. SYN: a. pectoris.
- hypercyanotic a. anginal pain in cyanotic patients with congenital heart disease or chronic pulmonary disease, the pain developing with intensification of the cyanosis during activity.
- intestinal a. SYN: abdominal a..
- a. inversa SYN: Prinzmetal a..
- Ludwig a. cellulitis, usually of odontogenic origin, bilaterally involving the submaxillary, sublingual, and submental spaces, resulting in painful swelling of the floor of the mouth, elevation of the tongue, dysphasia, dysphonia, and (at times) compromise of the airway. [W.F. Ludwig]
- lymphatic a. an affection resembling Vincent disease marked by an increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood.
- a. lymphomatosa SYN: agranulocytosis.
- neutropenic a. SYN: agranulocytosis.
- a. pectoris severe constricting pain in the chest, often radiating from the precordium to a shoulder (usually left) and down the arm, due to ischemia of the heart muscle usually caused by coronary disease. SYN: breast pang, coronarism (2), Heberden a., Rougnon-Heberden disease, stenocardia.
- a. pectoris decubitus anginal pain developing while the subject is recumbent.
- a. pectoris sine dolore SYN: Gairdner disease.
- a. pectoris vasomotoria a. pectoris in which the breast pain is comparatively slight, but pallor followed by cyanosis, and coldness and numbness of the extremities, are marked. SYN: a. spuria, a. vasomotoria, pseudangina, pseudoangina, reflex a., vasomotor a..
- preinfarction a. obsolete term for unstable a., including crescendo a..
- Prinzmetal a. a form of a. pectoris, characterized by pain that is not precipitated by cardiac work, is of longer duration, is usually more severe, and is associated with unusual electrocardiographic manifestations including elevated ST segments in leads that are ordinarily depressed in typical a., and usually without reciprocal ST changes; occurring at night in bed. SYN: a. inversa, variant a. pectoris.
- reflex a. SYN: a. pectoris vasomotoria.
- a. sine dolore symptoms of coronary insufficiency occurring without pain.
- a. spuria SYN: a. pectoris vasomotoria.
- unstable a. 1. a. pectoris characterized by pain in the chest of coronary origin occurring in response to progressively less exercise or fewer other stimuli than ordinarily required to produce a.; often leading to myocardial infarction, if untreated. 2. a. that has not achieved a constant or reproducible pattern in 30 or 60 days.
- variant a. pectoris SYN: Prinzmetal a..
- vasomotor a. SYN: a. pectoris vasomotoria.
- a. vasomotoria SYN: a. pectoris vasomotoria.
- Vincent a. an ulcerative infection of the oral soft tissues including the tonsils and pharynx caused by fusiform and spirochetal organisms; it is usually associated with necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis and may progress to noma. Death from suffocation or sepsis may occur.
- walk-through a. a circumstance in which despite continuing activity, such as walking, the pain of a. pectoris diminishes or disappears.

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an·gi·na an-'jī-nə, 'an-jə- n a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain: as
a) a severe inflammatory or ulcerated condition of the mouth or throat <diphtheritic \angina> see LUDWIG'S ANGINA, VINCENT'S ANGINA
an·gi·nal an-'jīn-əl, 'an-jən- adj

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a sense of suffocation or suffocating pain. See angina pectoris, Ludwig's angina.

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an·gi·na (an-jiґnə) (anґjĭ-nə) [L.] 1. a. pectoris. 2. any spasmodic, choking, or suffocative pain.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Angina — Sf Halskrankheit erw. fach. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. angina Mandelentzündung, Beengung .    Ebenso nndl. angina, ne. angina, nfrz. angine, nschw. angina, nnorw. angina. Die Herkunft des lateinischen Wortes ist unklar. Einerseits kann …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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  • angina — (n.) 1570s, from L. angina infection of the throat, from Gk. ankhone a strangling (see ANGER (Cf. anger)); probably influenced in Latin by angere to throttle. Angina pectoris is from 1744, from L. pectoris, gen. of pectus chest …   Etymology dictionary

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