sperma-, spermato-, spermo-

sperma-, spermato-, spermo-
Semen, spermatozoa. [G. sperma, seed]

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • spermo- — comb. form = SPERMATO . * * * see sperm * * * a combining form of sperm1, used also with the meaning seed, germ, semen, in the formation of compound words: spermophyte. Also, esp. before a vowel, sperm . * * * comb. form equivalent to spermato *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sperma- — combining form see sperm * * * sperma combining form of prec.: see spermaduct, etc., and cf. spermato , spermo …   Useful english dictionary

  • spermato- — spermat(o) , spermo ♦ Éléments, du gr. sperma, spermatos « semence, graine ». spermat(o) , sperme, spermo éléments, du gr. sperma, spermatos, semence, graine . ⇒SPERMAT(O) , SPERMO , SPERMA , (SPERMAT , SPERMATO )élém. formants Élém. tirés du gr …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • spermo- — spermat(o) , spermo ♦ Éléments, du gr. sperma, spermatos « semence, graine ». spermat(o) , sperme, spermo éléments, du gr. sperma, spermatos, semence, graine . spermo V. spermat(o) . ⇒SPERMAT(O) , SPERMO , SPERMA , (SPERMAT …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • spermo--spermo — spèr·mo spèr·mo conf. 1. TS biol. sperma, relativo allo sperma o allo spermatozoo 2. TS bot., zool. seme, relativo ai semi: spermofilo {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: dal gr. spermo , cfr. spérma, atos seme , v. anche spermato …   Dizionario italiano

  • sperma- — ⇒SPERMAT(O) , SPERMO , SPERMA , (SPERMAT , SPERMATO )élém. formants Élém. tirés du gr. , « sperme, semence », entrant dans la constr. de nombreux subst. du vocab. sc., bot., biol. et méd. A. BOTANIQUE: spermaphyte, spermatophyte, subst. a) Au… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • spermato- — a combining form meaning seed ; used with this meaning and as a combining form of sperm1 in the formation of compound words: spermatogonium. Also, esp. before a vowel, spermat . Cf. sperm , sperm, spermal, spermic, spermo , spermous. [ < Gk …   Universalium

  • spermato- — a word element meaning sperm . Also, spermat , spermo . {Greek, combining form of sperma sperm1} …  

  • sperm — SPERM1 Element prim de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia (referitor la) spermă , sămânţă , spermatic . [var. spermato , spermo . / < fr. sperm(o) , spermat(o) , cf. gr. sperma]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN  SPERM2 Element… …   Dicționar Român

  • spermatheca — /sperr meuh thee keuh/, n., pl. spermathecae / see/. Zool. a small sac or cavity in female or hermaphroditic invertebrates used to store sperm for fertilizing eggs, as in the queen bee. [1820 30; sperma (var. of SPERMATO , SPERMO ) + THECA] * * * …   Universalium

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