
Originally described as a genus, but now restricted to the plerocercoid stage of certain tapeworms. [G. sparganon, a swathing band, fr. spargo, to swathe]

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spar·ga·num 'spär-gə-nəm n, pl -na -nə also -nums an intramuscular or subcutaneous vermiform parasite of various vertebrates including humans that is the plerocercoid larva of a tapeworm sometimes used as though a generic name when referring to such a larva <Sparganum mansoni is the larva of Spirometra mansoni>

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the larvae of certain tapeworms, including species of Diphyllobothrium and Spirometra, which may accidentally infect humans (see sparganosis). They are actually plerocercoid, but the generic name Sparganum is sometimes given to them since they fail to develop into adults and definite classification of the species is not possible from the larvae alone.

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spar·ga·num (spahrґgə-nəm) pl. sparґgana [Gr. sparganon swaddling clothes] the larval stage (plerocercoid) of certain cestodes, especially of the genera Diphyllobothrium and Spirometra, which may migrate in the subcutaneous tissues of animals and cause sparganosis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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