
1. A form of pneumoconiosis due to the presence of iron dust. 2. Discoloration of any part by disposition of a pigment containing iron; usually called hemosiderosis. 3. An excess of iron in the circulating blood. 4. Degeneration of the retina, lens, and uvea as a result of the deposition of intraocular iron. [sidero- + G. -osis, condition]
- pulmonary s. SYN: pneumoconiosis siderotica.

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sid·er·o·sis .sid-ə-'rō-səs n, pl -o·ses -.sēz also -o·sis·es
1) pneumoconiosis occurring in iron workers from inhalation of particles of iron
2) deposit of iron pigment in a bodily tissue

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the deposition of iron oxide dust in the lungs, occurring in silver finishers, arc welders, and haematite miners. Iron oxide itself is inert, but pulmonary fibrosis may develop if fibrogenic dusts such as silica are also inhaled.

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sid·er·o·sis (sid″ər-oґsis) 1. a benign type of pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of iron particles; it usually becomes serious only when combined with silicosis (see siderosilicosis). Called also pneumoconiosis siderotica and pulmonary s. 2. hyperferremia. hemosiderosis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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