
A large extravasated mononuclear phagocyte containing granules of hemosiderin, found in the sputum or in the lungs of individuals with longstanding pulmonary congestion from left ventricular failure. SEE ALSO: heart failure cell. SYN: siderophage. [sidero- + G. phoros, bearing]

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sid·ero·phore 'sid-ə--.(ə)r n any of a group of low molecular weight compounds produced esp. by various microorganisms that bind ferric iron extracellularly to form a stable chelate for transport into the cell

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sid·ero·phore (sidґər-o-for″) [sidero- + -phore] 1. a substance that binds iron. 2. a macrophage containing hemosiderin. 3. a compound produced by certain species of mycobacteria and enterobacteria that chelates iron and facilitates its uptake by the cell.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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