
1. Promoting the flow of saliva. 2. An agent having this action ( e.g., anticholinesterase agents). SYN: ptyalagogue, sialogogue. [sial- + G. agogos, drawing forth]

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si·al·a·gogue sī-'al-ə-.gäg n an agent that promotes the flow of saliva called also sialogogue

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a drug that promotes the secretion of saliva. parasympathomimetic drugs have this action.

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si·al·a·gogue (si-alґə-gog) [sial- + -agogue] an agent that promotes the flow of saliva. Called also ptyalagogue.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • sialagogue — [ sjalagɔg ] adj. et n. m. • 1741; du gr. sialon « salive » et agogue ♦ Méd. Qui accroît la sécrétion de salive. ● sialagogue adjectif et nom masculin Médicament utilisé pour augmenter une sécrétion salivaire insuffisante. ● sialagogue… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sialagogue — [sī al′ə gäg΄] n. [ModL sialagogus < Gr sialon, saliva + ModL agogus, AGOGUE] any substance that stimulates the flow of saliva sialagogic [sī al′əgä′jik] adj …   English World dictionary

  • Sialagogue — A herb with sialagogue action stimulates the secretion of saliva from the salivary glands.Herbs with sialagogue action include: *Bloodroot ( Sanguinaria canadensis ) *Blue Flag ( Iris versicolor ) *Cayenne pepper ( Capsicum minimum ) *Centaury (… …   Wikipedia

  • sialagogue — (si a la go gh ) adj. Terme de médecine. Qui provoque la sécrétion de la salive. Remède sialagogue.    S. m. Des sialagogues. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Du grec, salive, et, qui amène, (voy. agir) …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • sialagogue — /ˈsaɪələgɒg/ (say suyuhluhgog), /saɪˈæləgɒg/ (say suy aluhgog) Medicine –adjective 1. promoting the flow or secretion of saliva. –noun 2. a sialagogue agent or medicine. {New Latin sialagōgus, from Greek sialon saliva + agōgos leading, drawing… …  

  • sialagogue — noun Etymology: New Latin sialagogus promoting the expulsion of saliva, from Greek sialon saliva + New Latin agogus agogue Date: circa 1783 an agent that promotes the flow of saliva …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • SIALAGOGUE — adj.des deux genres T. de Médec. Il se dit Des remèdes qui provoquent l excrétion de la salive. On l emploie quelquefois substantivement, au masculin. Le pyrèthre, le mercure, sont des sialagogues …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

  • sialagogue — /suy al euh gawg , gog /, Med. adj. 1. sialagogic (def. 1). n. 2. a sialagogic agent or medicine. Also, sialogogue. [1775 85; < NL sialagogus < Gk síal(on) saliva + agogós AGOGUE] * * * …   Universalium

  • sialagogue — n. substance that promotes salivation (Medicine) adj. promoting the secretion of saliva (Medicine) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sialagogue — [ sʌɪələgɒg] noun Medicine a drug that promotes the secretion of saliva. Origin C18: from Fr., from Gk sialon saliva + agōgos leading …   English new terms dictionary

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