- sex
- 1. The biologic character or quality that distinguishes male and female from one another as expressed by analysis of the individual's gonadal, morphologic (internal and external), chromosomal, and hormonal characteristics. Cf.:gender. 2. The physiologic and psychological processes within an individual which prompt behavior related to procreation or erotic pleasure. [L. sexus]- s. assignment process whereby the s. of an intersex (hermaphroditic) newborn is initially assigned.- safe s. sexual practices that limit the risk of transmitting or acquiring an infectious disease via exchanges of semen, blood, and other bodily fluids, e.g., use of a condom, mutual masturbation, and avoidance of anal intercourse.
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1) either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as male or female2) the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of living things that are involved in reproduction by two interacting parents and that distinguish males and females3 a) sexually motivated phenomena or behaviorb) SEXUAL INTERCOURSE* * *
(seks) [L. sexus] 1. the distinction between male and female, found in most species of animals and plants, based on the type of gametes produced by the individual or the category into which the individual fits on the basis of that criterion. Ova are produced by the female and spermatozoa by the male; the union of these distinctive germ cells being the prerequisite for the production of a new individual in sexual reproduction. see 2. gender identity, under identity. 3. sexual intercourse. 4. to determine whether an individual is male or female.
Medical dictionary. 2011.