
A nematode genus of the family Stephanofilariidae (superfamily Filarioidea). Adults are long and thin, typically occur in the peritoneal cavity, and produce sheathed microfilariae in the blood that are transmitted to other hosts after cyclical development in appropriate mosquito hosts. They are parasitic in cattle or equines (wild or domestic) and generally are nonpathogenic, although occasionally young worms may wander into the anterior chamber of the eye. [L. seta, a bristle]
- S. cervi a species that occurs in the abdominal cavity of cattle, buffalo, bison, yak, and various deer, but rarely in sheep.
- S. equina a species that is a common parasite of horses and other equids in all parts of the world; they are slender whitish filaments, several inches in length, usually found free in the peritoneal cavity, but occasionally reported in the pleural cavity, lungs, scrotum, eye, and intestine.

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Se·tar·ia se-'tar-ē-ə n a genus of filarial worms parasitic as adults in the body cavity of various ungulate mammals (as cattle and deer) and producing larvae that wander in the tissues and occas. invade the eye

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Se·ta·ria (se-tarґe-ə) 1. a large genus of grasses found in Europe and North America, often used for forage or hay. S. sphacelaґta and other species contain oxalates and can cause oxalate poisoning in livestock that eat large amounts of them. 2. a genus of nematodes of the superfamily Filarioides. S. equiґna is found in the abdominal cavities of various mammals. S. labiatopapilloґsa (or S. cerґvi) is an African species found in the peritoneal cavities of cattle, game animals, and occasionally humans.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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