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seromucoid — se·ro·mucoid … English syllables
seromucoid — |si(ˌ)rō sometimes |se( + noun Etymology: sero + mucoid : a glycoprotein of serum that is not coagulated by heat … Useful english dictionary
orosomucoid — (= a 1 seromucoid; a 1 acid glycoprotein) Plasma protein of mammals and birds, 38% carbohydrate. In humans a single chain glycoprotein of 39 kD. Increased levels are associated with inflammation, pregnancy, and various diseases … Dictionary of molecular biology
orosomucoid — α1 Acid glycoprotein; a subgroup of the α1 globulin fraction of blood; increased plasma levels are associated with inflammation. SYN: α1 acid glycoprotein, acid seromucoid. * * * oro·so·mu·coid .ȯr ə sō myü .kȯid n a plasma glycoprotein… … Medical dictionary